Sunday, April 6, 2014

Flower Show Review

Why so high, "Hidden Gardens"? Good hiding place, I guess.
I am always on the lookout for special events and activities that demonstrate different facets of gardening to kids, so the idea of the Macy's Flower Show at the Union Square location caught my attention. I knew about it from its opening almost two weeks ago, but due to various illnesses and inclement weather, we didn't make it until yesterday, the day before it closed. The only available child was the toddler, so I took her - WITHOUT A STROLLER. I like to live dangerously!

Main aisle of elevated displays
Cut to the chase: I was disappointed. I had pictured something like a meandering pathway through garden vignettes. In retrospect, perhaps envisioning an indoors Butchart Gardens? Not what Macy's was dishing up. It was floral displays elevated above shopping areas, maybe

9 feet up, nothing at eye level. I had even had my girl bring her magnifying glass, thinking she could examine some exotic petals. Nope - I need to plan an excursion to the SF Botanical Gardens, I guess. At least now I know and it won't tempt me in future years!

Happily, the toddler was entertained by just wandering around Macy's.
The one display at eye level was very appealing, so well done there.
Let us all take a life tip from the toddler generation: Don't hold high expectations, take what you get as it comes, and enjoy the moment.

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